Monday, March 17, 2008

Late Again.............

Belated Birthday Greetings to my beautiful Ladybug - Alyssa turned 10 on March 12th!!

We had a lovely time on her birthday, which was on a Wednesday - great timing. On Wednesdays, she has Dance Company class (which is her competition team), then we have an hour and fifteen minute break til Stretch Class (intense exercises helping to strengthen muscles and techniques to perfect turns, leaps, etc), so usually during this break a slew of moms and girls go catch a bite to eat together. Several of her closest friends were able to be there and brought presents against my instructions - they disagreed with me that presents were unnecessary! We went to Chili's - one of her fave eateries & a fellow dancer mom made a fabulous Red Velvet Cheesecake (Alyssa's two fave desserts combined in one!). She got four Webkinz & was simply delighted - they are almost like having new babies & alot of work!

Alyssa has such a beautiful spirit that I cannot take all the credit for - alot of it just comes natural. She has always had an interest and kinship with the Special Friends in her class & they love her as well. She loves to sing and is active in her school choir. She is looking forward to the bigger opportunities she will have next year at the Intermediate School in regards to their awesome music program. Her dream is to play the harp (could she pick a more expensive instrument?!) but probably does not have the time for dance, choir and orchestra next year! And I don't have the gas money either! ha ha

Blessings, Alyssa!


Vonnie said...

Awwwwwww, Happy Birthday Alyssa!! Sounds like you all had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Alyssa! We love you Alyssa!
Aunt Linda and Uncle Carson

Liz said...

Man does time fly!!! We have got to get together before we are inviting each other to our kids weddings!!!!!

LaDonna said...

I remember the day she was born...has it really been 10 years? I was pregnant with Clayton, that just doesn't seem possible. Happy Birthday, Lady Bug!

Julia said...

Hey Essie!

I have a few questions for you. Do you mind if I email you? I need your email address. Do you mind to email me your address? Mine is

LaDonna said...

I just discovered that we have mutual friends in Mike and Kathy Mercer!!! They're currently living on the next block from you, and I happened to mention that, and found out ya'all are pals!!! Cool!

Queen Essie said...

Also, in Beth Miller who I believe goes to your church - she was a student teacher in our classroom for the last 6-8 weeks.
FUnny how small the world is sometimes, however, I wouldn't want to paint it!

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

The Dickinsons said...

I LOVED Hearing from you on GG's post tonight! Thank you for your comment! =)

You have no clue how much I LOVE and MISS you and all of my cousins!!
