Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Innagural Blog

Okay, I got the name picked out, even if it's not what I wanted - I got the layout working, well sort of anyway - I got some pictures loaded, old ones, but hey, it's what was already on the computer, no extra work required - now comes the hard part.............WHAT TO SAY?!?! (And no comments from the peanut gallery on that statement either - you know who you are!)

So, I have finally stepped into the World of Blogging, officially now! I have been peeking thru the window for some time at other blogs and have even rang the doorbell a time or two by posting a comment, but today is the day I have flung open the door - & for some reason I feel I should post a warning or a disclaimer here - all I can think of is BEWARE!!

I am a writer at heart and strive for the ever elusive perfection in my writing - thus part of the reason to be slow in joining the blog party - so forgive me if this sounds too "storified" (sorry couldn't think of a word to say - so I just made up one)!

To those I have lost contact with or never had contact with prior, here's the Cliff's Notes verson of the last 13 years (has it REALLY been that long that I've been married to Derek Miller?!?!) Derek and I got married in Tennessee in August of 94 and was set to move away to Iowa rather quickly, but we stayed in TN. I, of course, was overjoyed to stay near my family. We welcomed our first blessing fom God in February of 95, Austin, who informed us on his last birthday - is now a pre-teen! Yikes! In March of 98, our little Ladybug, Alyssa flew into our world. Due to a very difficult delivery I was thinking, "I do not EVER want to experience this again!" I was done having babies. I just had to convince Derek, because he wanted 4. Well, the Lord took both sides into consideration & blessed us (ok, GREATLY SUPRISED) with our third child and truly a miracle from God, Aric in August 99 - just a mere 17 months after Alyssa! So here I was with 3 babies in 4 years while still being somewhat of a baby myself at 24. We kinda grew up together & are still working on that - together.

I stayed at home with them until they were all in school. The year Aric started kindergarten, I became certified to be a substitute teacher and was able to work in his class quite a bit that year. That helped Momma adjust a little better! This is now my 4th year of subbing and I work in both the city and county school systems. I have been trying to get a Teacher's Assistant job, but am waiting on God's direction in that area.

Austin is in 6th grade, Alyssa is in 4th and Aric is in 2nd. This is the last year Alyssa is at elementary school and next year Austin moves to middle school, so starting next year and until Aric gets into high school, they will be at three different schools! And me teaching in different schools, no wonder I can't keep my schedule straight! And, no, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with lack of organizational skills! It is commonly and formally referred to as mom-with-multiple-children-sydrome. Those of you who have not been officially diagnosed, schedule an appointment right with your doctor right away. I am sorry that there is no immediate help that can be given, and you may experience wild n crazy side effects, but it is highley possible to notice an improvement in 18 - 25 years!

Okay, okay, okay, I KNOW I said the SHORT version, but I have always struggled with summarization. In school, my summaries would be just as long as the research paper! I do have to get this posted before I receive any more "constructive criticism" on the lack of blog dialog on my page here! So any further catching up to do will have to wait until next time! I hope to soon get newer pictures of my family on here, so you can see how they have grown like weeds - me included!

Take care y'all - be like the Moon: reflect the SON!


Liz said...

Ohh...Queen Essie..What shall I say as the very first person to comment on your post and blog to be exact. Well I will first congratulate myself for making you take the step into the wilds, and! Seriously...great and VERY funny post! Glad you have joined us! Bloggers of the world UNITE!HA!

Marty said...

Love the post!! Welocome! I am happy to say that I did know about your last 13 years...thankfully!

Thank you for the encouraging words about Alexis. She is officially with her dad. It kinda helps knowing that other people are touched by her life as ours.

Love you bunches!! Give Derek and the kids a "punch" from me!

kayla said...

Welcome to blog world! It is great to catch up on your life. Your kids are so cute. I think you have a little replica. I'm also glad to have a diagnosis. I thought I was just going crazy.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I was flattered.

CrazieChrisa said...

HIIIIIII!!!! I'm glad you finally have a blog I can post on!!! Luv ya, cuz!!!

jason miller said...

Whatzup sis-in-law--we'll be watching to see the posts, see how you guys are doing. Would really love to see some of your writing in action!

Anonymous said...

Glad you have joined the blogging world. Look forward to your posts.
Aunt Linda

Kimberly said...

Really enjoyed your 1st post...good stuff! And great to catch up on your 13 yrs.:)

Queen Essie said...

WOW! I don't get to check my blog for 1 day and I'm overrun with comments....well, not exactly overrun, but, you get the idea. Very exciting to see little notes from everyone - thanx for making me feel welcome.
Jason - as for the writing, I don't know if you'd really be interested - my taget audience is usually 6-12 years old. :) But thanks for the inquiry. Tell the fam I said hello!

Unknown said...

GGGUUUUURRRLLLL!!! It's so nice to see you on here and your cutie pa-tootie kids you have. The last I saw you & Derek - your oldest child was barely walking. You guys stopped by my work there at the hair salon in Hobe Sound many years ago. Great to have found you. Tell that hubby of yours hello for me. Stop by and say hi sometimes. You can visit me at or
Take care and hope to hear from you soon!

The Dickinsons said...

My Dearest Essie,
I'm soooo glad you have a blog now! Welcome to blogging world. I'm sooo excited that you started one, so we can stay in contact with you better! Love the nice post, it was well-written, and very interesting! Love the pics too.

Thanks for the nice comment on our baby,we're excited! Yes, I think that is NEAT that Jane and Phil are due to have a baby right before we do. At least our baby will have a cousin near his/her age. =) Sorry Jane is sick, but I'm soooo happy for them, and Daniel too.

My girls said to tell Alyssa hello, and Noah heard them saying that and said, "Tell Bryan (Hausman) I said hello", (he didn't have a CLUE who I was writing! =)

We love y'all TONS!!!
your cuz, Heather

Kelly S said...

Hi Essie!! I've often wondered how you are doing. So glad to know you're doing so good. Sweet family! Tell Derek hi for me. That little girl of yours is gorgeous! She looks just like her momma.

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. It's so nice to connect with you again.

Tara said...

Essie! So happy to see you have a blog too! Thanks for finding me on my blog and leaving a message. It's been a long time since we've seen each other, huh? We had some fun times back in the day, didn't we?:)
My Derek sends greetings back to yours, and thanks you for your kind remarks about his music. That made his day! Looking forward to hearing more good posts from you.....

Making Memories 1999 said...

Is this the young chick and her man who used to come and visit me in HS? HELLO!!! Welcome to the Blogosphere! What cute children you and Derek have!! Look forward to staying in touch Take care and God bless!!

LaDonna said...

Hey, lady!!!! Long time no see or hear! Glad you've joined the blog's addicting! I'm thinking of starting a blogging addiction support group!!! I'll be sure to keep up with you better now that you're here.

Queen Essie said...

Becca, oh sweet, Becca! How kind of you to post a note! Of course, I first had to find out who you were & then it made total sense! Believe it or not, you were actually beneficial in Derek and I getting aquainted - remember that? We sure enjoyed having a place to hang out & had so much fun with you while we did! Very cool of you to stop by and say hi - thanx!

Vonnie said...

Hey girl,
Glad I found your blog. Thanks for your comments on my blog. This is a great way to keep in touch!!