Monday, October 8, 2007

Where's the Fall weather?

Hello Friends :)

I have REALLY enjoyed my first few dayz in the blogging world! It was very exciting to check and see the new comments. I was rather surprised at how many comments I did get - guess I am more popular than I thot!

I was able to go out of town this weekend with my children to my aunt's house in Ohio. She doesn't have children of her own, so she always spoiled my sister and I growing up. Now, she passes that on to my children, which is so very cool. She lives close to Cincy, OH and about a 1/2 hour away from King's Island. She used to take us there when we were younger and continued the tradition when my kids got old enough. She buys my kids season passes every year for Christmas - which is such an awesome present - and allows us to crash at her house whenever we go up. It really fits into the budget so much better when you only have to come up with gas money and food money. Anyways, so that is where we got to go this weekend. During the off-season they are only open on Saturdays and Sundays - except for the spooky scary stuff that goes on after it gets dark, which we totally are not interested in. They have family friendly stuff during the day til about 5 or 6. During the summer it is so hot that we usually spend most of our time soaking in the many wonderful things at the water park, so it is fun to go and just ride rides a couple days. Even if it was so blistering hot! Which finally gets me to my title, where's the Fall weather? It was above 90 degrees both days, and we were almost miserable. I also had forgotten my cups which can be refilled for a fraction of the cost to get a drink or they can be filled with ice water for free - yeah for free! I usually take the Kool-aid singles and add to the water to help save $$ - yes, you guessed it - I forgot those too! So we kept getting these miniature free cups of water that would last about 3 or 4 big gulps and then devour the ice cubes in a hurry. There was only 1 water ride open, due to the fact we are usually in hoodies and blue jeans this time of year, so that line was incredibly long & none of us particularly care for the ride anyways. Austin & I finally broke down on Sunday and rode it, just for the water's sake & boy it did feel good.

This latest trip did make me realize I am getting a wee bit older - well let me preface that by giving an overview of my last several weeks. Since I started teaching this year (last week of August) and I have never been this extremely busy so early in the year, I have worked every day but 3. Granted for those of you used to working every day will think, "What a wimp!" and I sorta would agree with you, but if you have never been a substitute teacher, I will tell you - some of these classes leave you physically and emotionally drained at the end of the day. One of these classes I taught for 3 1/2 weeks in a row because the teacher had back surgery & I did get really attached to those kids, but man, those 8th graders wear me out!

So, after working all these days in a row and working at my house, I am also on the PTO at my youngest two kids school - where we had a school carnival the day before I went out of town. I helped set up booths, run errands, find equipment, move said equipment, individually bag 216 cookies (I did have help with 12 of them!), bag peanuts, popcorn, and cotton candy, organized silent auction baskets, ran home, changed clothes, got kids, came back and proceeded to help run the carnival until the much needed rain hit in a furious way, and then stayed to help clean up - only about 12 hours of work. The next day, the kids and I cleaned house in a big way since alot of things had fallen by the wayside with me working so much - I really hated to leave Derek ad mist the mess. I finally got out of town close to 9 pm that evening after all our stuff got done and we ate dinner at mom's house. I arrived at my aunt's house about 1 am and we all fell into bed.

Okay, so I am already major tired, but as a mom of 3, rarely do I ever let that stop me - off to King's Island we go in 90 + degree weather for some roller coaster excitement! I have toned down a bit on my coaster riding, as after having kids my body reacts to fear and heights in different ways. But I am a fun Momma, so will ride most of everything the kids want to get on. Thus part of the reason as to why I MAY be getting a wee bit older: after all this work at school, at carnival, at home, driving 4 hours late at night, two fun filled HOT days of coaster riding at KI, and a 4 hour trip home - me n Aleve are REALLY good buddies right now! I may even have to go visit my chiropractor tomorrow & I know he will give me a lecture about those coasters I was on!

Before anyone asks, no I don't have any fun pix to share. My digital camera got broken when I was in India and I have yet to get it looked at, as I'm afraid it will cost more to repair than it is worth. If my scanner would straighten up and work right, I'd get more other photos on here, but that hasn't happened yet. So, until then, enjoy this ramblin post!

Cheers to Fall Break - Xtra time with kids & time off from school! Yeah to both!


Liz said...

I am right there with ya on where is the fall weather. It teases us with a few 70 degree days then shoots back up to the HOT 90's. I am so ready for fall leaves and bonfires, and all those warm clothes! Great post...don't kill yourself with all of the busy, work filled ya! by the way i have tagged you to tell 7 random facts about yourself bc I got tagged! :)

Queen Essie said...

Thanx alot Liz 4 the tag - I thot I was too new to the game to get caught! Alas, I guess not!

kayla said...

I am so glad to hear that someone else is no longer able to do all the roller coasters that they did before having babies.
I don't feel one bit sorry for you people for not having fall yet. Try living in the land of eternal green all year long. Come Jan. I appreciate it, but right now a little extra color would be nice.

LaDonna said...

I'm trying to figure out where our cooler weather is, too!!! And it sounds like you're having quite the life over there! You need to listen to Delilah and "slow down and love someone!" Ha!

Liz said...

Love the Delilah slow down and love someone comment...I listen to her all of the time at night. Kayla...I will send you some fall leaves....

Queen Essie said...

I don't think I'll ever get to the slow down part - I just enjoy it all & go with the flow! However, I think I have the love someone part down pat!

Queen Essie said...

Kayla, I'd take some of that sand in exchange for some fall leaves!

I so want to have photos of my kids on the beach, too!!!! Isn't it sad that Austin has been to the beach only once, when he was two & Alyssa and Aric have never been?!?!

Every year I say, this is the year, I am going to the beach, no matter what & it has yet to happen. Unfortunately, Derek hates the beach, so that doesn't help. We had plans to go to Destin this year during Fall Break, but had to cancel for financial reasons, ugh! I even had Alyssa's white beach dress & all ready for some fabulous photos - very sad!

Julia said...

Hey Essie!!

SO good to see you hear. What BEAUTIFUL kiddos you have. I'm with you on the coasters. One or two and I'm done. Part of getting old I guess.

Making Memories 1999 said...

Wow, you've been one busy Momma!! Not to mention a brave one!! :-) Way to go! Glad you are enjoying this time with your "chillins"! Have a great day!

Serving Jesus in the valley of the sun said...

Hey gurl, I was told about ur blog and thought I would stop in to say hello. How is your mom doing.. Tell her a BIG HELLO AND HUG from us.. So glad to of come across you here in blog land :)