Thursday, October 18, 2007

But I don't wanna be it!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you guessed it - I have been tagged! In the sense of fairness, unfortunately, I feel I must adhere to the rules of the game. The problem lies therein - I do not know that many blogging friends as I am a newbie to the game (which brings up a point I will address later!) and most everyone I do know has already been tagged. So either I am it for a very long time without the possibility of even retiring to the mush pot or someone new shows up for me to tag. (Hint! Hint! Someone send me a link!)

Now back to a previous statement.........I feel there should be somewhat of an option out clause for those new to the game or maybe even a length of time appropriate for being in the blog playground before getting attacked by a tagger. I strongly recommend that this should be discussed at the next town meeting and such said rules should be voted on as amendments to The Articles Of Tagging Laws.

So without further ado - drum roll, please......
the 7 Random Facts of Queen Essie :)

1. I found this out when my infant daughter had thrush. My tongue was white and splotchy; I thot, oh no I have it too. But, nooo, I was medically diagnosed with a Geographic tongue. "What in the world?", you may say - well, read on for more info!

Definition from a medical journal: Geographic tongue is common and unimportant. The tongue develops smooth or rough areas that fluctuate, producing patterns that look like world maps, if you have a vivid imagination. Cause is unknown. Symptoms range from none to mild burning; some have noticed an increase in symptoms after certain foods or fruit juices. (If you feel the need to gather more data, just Google "geographic tongue")

BONUS: I can use this Geographic tongue to touch my nose!

2. I am actually officially allergic to pantyhose (probably most accurate is nylon!)! Why this most important fact could not have been discovered while I was still a student at Bible College where such attire was required every day, I do not know. However, I am very thankful for such a revelation as it is very hard to explain why you are scratching and clawing at the backs of your legs, not to mention squirming in your seat during church or school - oh, it is also, incredibly UN-ladylike!

3. I was pregnant at the same time as my mother-in-law! And have a sister-in-law younger than my oldest child! Totally weird, I'll tell ya!

4. I had a wreck when I was in high school delivering a cookies n cream Oreo Blizzard to my sick best friend. It was raining, I slid, I over-compensated, and I ended up in the ditch - apparently after flying thru the air at some point in time because of an impression on a telephone wire pole. I don't remember this part since I was knocked out briefly by a head bump on the window. Further adding to this emotional trauma: the blizzard plastered all over my car, me and my extremely long and thick hair - same hair that got velcroed into the head bumpers placed around me when I was strapped to the body board - same hair (and face) that got snuff juice dripped in/on by one of the volunteer firemen carrying me up out of that ditch. Thankfully, I was not majorally injured and my car was totalled, as it would have been a further nightmare trying to clean up ALL that blizzard goop that was EVERYWHERE in my car!

Technically, this may be have been enough info to qualify for more than one fact, however, after checking Article 2, Section 3b, no such definition is supplied of fact powers thereby giving way to free interpretation of fact lengthage. (Another issue that may need new proposals discussed at the town meeting, should you feel the length of said fact has violated the previously mentioned Articles Of Tagging Laws)

5. My Mom was an English major, so she constantly corrected us (without even thinking) and strictly taught and enforced the usage of proper grammar. Therefore, at age 3 I knew what an adverb was and would readily pass this info on if I heard someone using one incorrectly. Also, "ain't" was considered a bad word in our house and, even if it was in the dictionary, really wasn't even a word.

6. My body refused to go into labor by itself and I had to endure a Pitocin-induced labor with all 3 of my children's births. Due to the extremely painful, rapid and continuous contractions associated with Pitocin - plus, I'm a major wimp when it comes to pain -I proudly requested epidurals at the earliest convenience & when they worked, I enjoyed lovely birthing experiences! Thru these whole epidural experiences I found out I actually have a very small epidural place - which probably was why the 2 epidurals given by a new med student never took and by then my baby girl was crowning and I was almost dying - bringing up another reason I'm extremely thankful for the epidurals when they did work!

7. Probably the best one of all - I was extremely blessed and privileged to go to India with my church on a mission trip in March 2006. If you are familiar with Indian culture, they do not eat beef because cows are considered holy or sacred in accordance of their beliefs in reincarnation. Not even Christians will partake because of it interfering with their witness to people about the one true God. So, we ate alot of fruits, rice, chicken, and goat. At one meal we were given the opportunity to taste an India delicacy. I figured while in Rome.....(do as the Romans do) and besides when would I ever get this same opportunity, so I said, "Yes, I will try it!"
I then made the mistake of telling our host that it was actually pretty good, whereby he told the servers to give me a second portion! Oh, my! I was only trying to be polite!
But, once you got past the slimy, almost jellied texture, the taste of the goat BRAINS were actually not bad!
And, no, it didn't taste like chicken!

Hope you enjoyed these glimpses of randomness in my life :)


Liz said...

Esther that was an incredibly informative and hilarious post. I love your ideas about tagging laws! I would love to go to India. I love the food..and yes I have had authentic Indian cuisine...yummo. I love learning about the culture too. I totally know where you are coming from with the induction of labor and such. I was induced the day I was due and was in labor 19 1/2 hours and didn't do squat so they did a C section. Neither of my 2 epidurals worked except to numb my left leg!!! Loved the post. I was near tears with laughter!

LaDonna said...

Ok, I vote that the lengthage of your 2nd random fact would have qualified to count for two, therefore nullifying the need to learn about the jellified BRAINS!!! Too funny!

kayla said...

A geographic tongue. Wow. Harold can also touch his nose with his tongue, I'll have to see if his is also geographic.

Marty said...

Love the post!!! Thankfully, I knew everything except the goat brains part! I have eaten racoon brains so I guess we are even! Ha! By the way, what are you up to Monday? I'm coming to GG's for the day!! I'll call you...maybe you can come over after school, or dance, or ball games or whatever you do on Mondays! Love ya, Marty

Vonnie said...

OK, that last one was too much info (TMI). hahaha All very interesting random things about you!

Liz said...

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and for the encouraging song. I am hoping and praying everything goes well now.....I knew you were probably not able to get online and that was why you hadn't read the new post! Thanks again...

CrazieChrisa said...

Essie, your a nut:-D Loved your post:-D

The Dickinsons said...

Oh, my dear queen Essie, I really enjoyed your hilarious and informative blog post, and even though I'm your DEAR cousin, learned several things new about you. Like the tongue thing and the hose issue. =D

I enjoyed reading all about your trip to India too...however my baby and I who are REALLY suffering from nausea at this point, just about puked all over my computer reading about the goat's brains. UGH!!!!

Love ya lots,
Heather =)

Kelly S said...

hee hee! Glad you still have your sense of humor after not seeing you all of these years!

Goat brains?! Oh my. Now we know what's wrong with you! hee hee.

I sure wish I could get diagnosed with an allergy to hose. Good excuse! Mr. Basham would have fallen for it with no problem! He fell for my excuses of my hair falling down in the dining hall. He would pat my shoulder and say, "well, let's try to not let it fall next time". hee hee.