Saturday, December 1, 2007

Concerned Momma

Hello friends, I know it has been awhile since there was new news around here and I do have another blog draft I have been working on to explain why. But, for today, I felt the need to get some other info out.

I have been hearing bits and peices about this new movie coming out that is bad news, but I hadn't taken the time to really found out why. Even when a respected source gives out info concerning a movie, I prefer to do my own research and then make a decision. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon simply because every one else is. I want to believe in what I am supporting or boycotting. I know this will not affect some of you, but if you have friends or family that attends the movies, please pass this info and web links along for them to check out. It is scary how anything can be used to get into our families.

There is a new movie coming out this holiday season tageted for children audiences called, "The Golden Compass." I have seen the trailers for the movie and had thought it looked very interesting until reading further. The Golden Compass is the first of the trilogy and in the third book, the author has the children killing God. Here are parts from different sources, plus some web links to check on yourself.


"HELP US STOP THE MOVIE ABOUT KILLING GOD!!!! THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a new movie targeted at children, will be released December 7, 2007. This movie is based on a the first book of a trilogy by atheist Philip Pullman. In the final book a boy and girl kill God so they can do as they please. Pullman left little doubt about his intentions when he said in a 2003 interview that 'MY BOOKS ARE ABOUT KILLING GOD.' The movie is a watered down version of the first book and is designed to be very attractive in the hope unsuspecting parents will take their children to see the the movie and that the children will want the books for Christmas.The movie has a well known cast, including Nicole Kidman, Kevin Bacon, and Sam Elliott. It will probably be advertised extensively, so it is crucial that we get the word out to warn people to avoid this movie."

Source:National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families
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Parent Alert: The Golden Compass to be Released December 7

"Google The Golden Compass, an upcoming movie based on a trilogy book series His Dark Materials by British author Philip Pullman, and you will find more than 4.5 million resource results. And as the December 7 release date draws closer, even more attention will be focused on the movie!

Why all the attention on one children’s Christmas movie, you ask. The Christian Post reports, “Christian groups such as the Catholic League have criticized the movie and charged the intentional removal of anti-religious themes as a ploy to encourage kids to read Pullman’s pro-atheism books.” The Catholic League has even published a brochure aimed at exposing the atheistic elements of the work entitled The Golden Compass: Agenda Unmasked.

Pullman denies his work is selling “atheism for kids” as accusations assert. Rather he says, “I prefer to trust the reader...everybody has the right to form their own opinion.” But in an article by The Washington Post he said, “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief,” adding that C.S. Lewis would describe his books as the “devil’s work.” And upon the release of his book trilogy in Australia in 2003, Pullman told The Sydney Herald that his “books are about killing God.”

What’s a parent to do?

After weeks of researching both the content and intent of The Golden Compass and the book trilogy series His Dark Materials, the National Coalition recommends you:

Tell your family and friends about the movie AND ask them not to buy the books in the trilogy.

Do not take children to see The Golden Compass when it opens in theaters December 7. In addition, consider contacting your local theater and let them know you are offended by the movie and believe it poses a dangerous threat to our children.
Please forward this information to friends and family to help them make informed, God-honoring choices during this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ."

Source:Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

"Watch a video of the Catholic League's Bill Donohue discussing this issue here:

A film called "The Golden Compass" opens December 7. It is based on the first book of a trilogy titled His Dark Materials. The author of this children's fantasy is Philip Pullman, a noted English atheist. It is his objective to bash Christianity and promote atheism. To kids. "The Golden Compass" is a film version of the book by that name, and it is being toned down so that Catholics, as well as Protestants, are not enraged.

The second book of the trilogy, The Subtle Knife, is more overt in its hatred of Christianity than the first book, and the third entry, The Amber Spyglass, is even more blatant. Because "The Golden Compass" is based on the least offensive of the three books, and because it is being further watered down for the big screen, some might wonder why parents should be wary of the film.

The Catholic League wants Christians to stay away from this movie precisely because it knows that the film is bait for the books: unsuspecting parents who take their children to see the movie may be impelled to buy the three books as a Christmas present. And no parent who wants to bring their children up in the faith will want any part of these books.

"The Golden Compass: Agenda Unmasked" is the Catholic League's response. It provides information about the film, "The Golden Compass," and details what book reviewers have said about Pullman's books; a synopsis of his trilogy is also included.

Copies are currently available of the electronic edition (the booklet has sold old). To order, use our online form or call 212-371-3191. The cost is $5.

It is important that all Christians, especially those with children or grandchildren, read this booklet. Anyone who does will be armed with all the ammo they need to convince friends and family members that there is nothing innocent about Pullman's agenda. Though the movie promises to be fairly non-controversial, it may very well act as an inducement to buy Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials. And remember, his twin goals are to promote atheism and denigrate Christianity. To kids.

Please get the word out."

Please, read these sources and if you feel as strongly as I do, let's help get the word out! Thanks for listening to the thoughts of a concerned momma!


Liz said...

I have heard the same things and received many emails about it. I did my own research alos and have definitely decided not to allow katy o atch it or read the books. Terrible isn't it? Thanks for the extra info. I had't read all of it.

Ruth and boys said...

Thank you very much for the info on the movie. Ethan and I just saw the previews the other night and thought it looked good. I hadn't heard anything on it. This is the first. Looks like we won't be going to see it. Again, thank you so much for sharing. There is so much out there. Have a great week. :)

LaDonna said...

We had heard about it just before we went to see "Bella." The previews were on and Justin said, "Wow, that looks like a cool movie, kinda like Chronicles of Narnia." They're making it seem so harmless, just to reel you in!! Makes me MAD! Thanks for posting about it.

Serving Jesus in the valley of the sun said...

I have seeen the previews and KNEW right away it was an evil movie.. HOWEVER had no idea it was LIKE THAT or who was putting it out. THanks so much for all your info and I will deff pass the word and if you dont mind will post the same thing on my site so others will know. It is very scary what is out there to try to undermine what we believe and to get to not only our children but us adults as well. Thanks again and GOd bless...
On a nother note was good to talk to your mom(via email) and see some updated pics of your alls thanksgiving(through your cuz) Your kids are getting so big.. Amy sent me some pics of their family as well and wow everyone is growing older :) I was going through some old pics the other day and found one of one summer I spent with Ladonna and Joe and Doug and Paul and Joe took us young people camping and we were all playing volly ball. Jane was even in the pic. lol WOW memories sometimes its nice to think about them eh??

The Dickinsons said...

That is soooo SAD and STUPID about that movie. I hope people everywhere boycott it!!

Thank the Lord, Baby and I are feeling much better now, and I'm almost back to the normal "Heather"! YEA!

Love ya, Heather =)

Eileen said...

Thank you for sharing this info. I had heard of it before. Wishing there was a way to ban it. Now with your info I am more inlightened on it. I would like to use your links on my blog if that is okay. I am Ruth Jackson's mother. Again thanks for sharing.
Have a Blessed Day!

Queen Essie said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! It is wonderful that you want to share these links with other people & I am glad you wish to do so. Please, feel free to use any of the sources listed.

Thanks for the post, Ruth's Mother. She is a dear gal!

Angie, oh my, about the pix - I bet they were "lovely"! Good to hear from you!


Julia said...

Hey Essie;

Thanks for the research you did on this. I've seen the trailors too and it was VERY appealing to kids and adults alike.

Vonnie said...

I've heard about this too. I can't believe what people think of.

Tara said...

Essie, what is even more concerning to me about this than the movie itself, is that SCHOLASTIC...a most respected publisher of childrens promoting these books in schools. Giving incentives to kids and teachers for reading the books. And that is even more dangerous than the movie, since the books are more overt in their atheism than the screen production.

It behooves all Christians to be aware of these issues. Good for you for putting out the word. :)

Queen Essie said...

One more link I found today gives a very accurate description of everything included in the film - it is actually a great place to find out about most any film - and it is not from a religious or Christian point of veiw, however, it gives very insightful information geared especially toward parents concerned with what children are watching/hearing.

You can veiw most reveiws without subscribing to it. Just scroll to bottom of page.

Thanks for all your comments here and support!

Love, essie

Liz said...

Hey concerned momma...where r u?